Autumn’s Grace is a heartwarming tale of love, faith, and second chances. Set against the charming backdrop of Everstone Creek, this sweet romance follows Dumebi Chijuka, a dedicated social worker, and Jaedyn “Jax” Nwadike, a successful VJ at a crossroads in life. When fate brings them together at a local festival, sparks fly as they reconnect after years apart. As their paths cross again, Dumebi and Jaedyn are drawn into a journey of self-discovery and renewed purpose, realizing that sometimes love blooms when you least expect it.

In a city where past and present converge, Dumebi must face her old fears of commitment, while Jaedyn’s deepening faith leads him to reassess what truly matters. Together, they navigate the delicate balance between vulnerability and trust, learning that grace—in all its forms—can open the door to new beginnings.

Autumn’s Grace is a tender, uplifting story filled with emotional depth, gentle humor, and the beauty of sweet inspirational romance. Perfect for fans of second chance love stories, this story captures the essence of finding faith, love, and purpose in a world full of uncertainties.


New Release Spotlight – Autumn’s Grace: An Everstone Creek Short, by Unoma Nwankwor

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