Hey Girl!

Check out these new Black Romance releases from May 20th-26th.

Rhythm’s Blues by Kimberly Brown

Being the girlfriend of a successful rapper isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Rhythm Baker, a successful occupational therapist, held it down for Raheem, her boyfriend of three years, without much complaining. After moving across the country to support his career and their relationship, Rhythm has grown increasingly uncomfortable with Raheem’s inappropriate behavior and inflated ego. Feeling disrespected, unappreciated, and unheard, she moves out of the home they share, ending their relationship. Despite his recent moves, Raheem isn’t willing to let her go so easily.

Channing Watson, a renowned music producer, meets Rhythm by chance when he’s called by his mother to change a flat tire at her therapy clinic. With their connection unknown and instant attraction fueled by lust, a one-night stand becomes inevitable. Though she thought it was over, Rhythm and Channing continue to run into each other, and feelings become just as inevitable as the night of passion they shared. Complications arise when they discover that Channing is in fact Raheem’s new producer and Rhythm is his ex.

Though their entanglement is messy, Rhythm and Channing’s connection only grows deeper as they navigate the potential fallout that’s sure to come. With Raheem unwilling to let go or do right, Rhythm is ready to move on and be happy, but will the solace she finds in Channing’s presence be ruined once their relationship comes to the light?


Pretty Shattered Mind (The Pretty Shattered Trilogy Book 3) by Robbi Renee

*While this novel is a standalone, the author recommends that the reader indulges in the first two books of the trilogy – Pretty Shattered Soul and Pretty Shattered Heart to get the full depth and understanding of the characters. 
**Potential Triggers: This book has explicit language, sexual encounters, panic attacks and addresses mental health.

can be defined as the element of a human that gives them an awareness of
the world’s perspective on their experiences. The mind holds our thoughts and
feelings. But what happens when the chaos of your thoughts makes it
impossible to find clarity? When the noise of heart-wrenching memories
drowns the whispers… the desires of your heart.

Aminah Loveless finds herself haunted by her past. Her first love, Malakai, was
her one and only true love, but the scars he left behind and the promise she
made him have left her wary of opening her heart again. On the surface, her life
is every woman’s dream: a supportive family, a blooming career, and amazing
friendships, but the yearning for one key component was missing… love.

Nicolas Touissant was a kind-hearted and understanding man who was
immediately intrigued by Aminah. Her words say she wants nothing but
friendship, while their magnetic connection speaks a different language. There
is no hesitation in Nicolas’s heart or head. He is ready to make Aminah his one
and only, give her the world.

Second-guessing her every move, Aminah finds herself torn between giving love
another chance or staying committed to an unfulfilling pact. Although Nicolas’s
compassion and patience are potent, he is growing impatient with the pretty
shattered beauty.

Nicolas and Aminah’s path is fraught with challenges, uncertainty, and pain.
Will their love story be a poignant exploration of friendship, adoration, and
healing or will their journey end before it truly gets started?


The 7-10 Split: A Romantic Comedy (Peach Blossom Book 1) by Karmen Lee

This is how love rolls…

For teacher Ava Williams, some subjects are not up for debate. Like history—specifically, the one she has with Grace Jones, bowling pro and local celeb. Who is now, for no identifiable reason, teaching at the same small-town Georgia high school as Ava. Once upon a time, they were thick as thieves, best friends, rivals who pushed each other, and total bowling nerds. Then they shared a kiss, sweet and confusing…and after that, they split and nothing was ever the same.

Ava is pretty sure she has every reason to hate Grace. Especially when the school’s soggy potato of a principal announces—finally—that the students can have the bowling team Ava has been pushing for, for years…only to hand it to Grace.

Now they’re expected to be partners and lead their new bowling team to victory in six months. And with that, their rivalry is back. Fierce, ultracompetitive…and with an undeniable attraction that pushes, pulls and crashes together. It’s history. It’s chemistry. And it’s just a matter of time before it explodes…one way or the other.


Elm by Grey Huffington

note: elm is a novelette  

Summer nights… the ones we envisioned as teenagers but didn’t begin experiencing until adulthood. Blaring horns. Beckoning men. Loud speakers. And that one guy… the one everybody knows but know nothing about finally notices you after what feels like forever. Fortunately for you both, it is forever.


Easy on the eyes, his entire aesthetic was pleasing. From the denim jacket and chains down to the multi-colored Jordans, he resembled something straight out of a music video, as if he laid tracks. 

But he didn’t. He laid bricks. One by one, rebuilding Dooley one rehabbed home at a time. Though I no longer lived in the area, there were two sets of big, brown eyes waiting by the door for my bi-weekly visits. Tash’s twins were my Goddaughters and being their second mom was a job I didn’t take lightly. 

Grady. Everyone knew his name but not very many people knew him. For the most part, he was a figment of Dooley’s imagination. Hardly home but always repping. Drake had him in mind when writing that bar. His signs lined the lawns of the homes he’d purchased throughout Dooley, however, he rarely graced the neighborhood with his presence. Tonight was a rare occasion. 

I was amongst royalty. Channing City Royalty


Desire: The Arranged Hearts Series by Kay Shanee

De·sire /dəˈzī(ə)r/a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

Unsettled… that is the word Desire Chambries uses to describe how she feels. Although her preschool students bring her joy, her personal life needs resuscitating. She’d love to get married, but the dating scene lacks quality men. Most were barely boyfriend material and definitely not fit to be someone’s husband. At thirty-five years old, her hope of finding the man of her dreams and becoming a wife is fading fast, as is the idea of having children of her own.

One lonely Friday night, after being stood up for the third time, she sees an ad for Arranged Hearts on social media. Her interest is piqued, and before she second-guesses herself, she completes the online profile. Once she presses submit, things move rapidly, and she finds herself agreeing to spend the rest of her life with a man she’s never met.

Aziel Harris has to make some lifestyle changes since he plans to run for a second term as mayor of his hometown. His image has taken some major hits as of late, with women coming out of the woodwork to stake their claim on him. Not to mention, he’s raising his sassy three-year-old daughter, Azaria, alone, and single fatherhood as a forty-two-year-old is harder than running the city.

Unbeknownst to him, his assistant completes a profile for him with Arranged Hearts. Initially, he refuses to go through the process, but knowing a team of people are counting on him to continue his reign as mayor, he agrees to marry a woman he’s yet to meet.

Desire and Aziel don’t expect marrying a stranger to be easy, but neither of them are prepared for the obstacles thrown their way. Will the arranged hearts commit to forever, or will ‘I do’ turn into ‘I don’t’?


A Phantom Affair by Kimmie Ferrell

I’ve never been the type to put stock into anything I couldn’t see. If it didn’t make sense, it wasn’t for me. Until the day I walked into the Washington Hotel, and came face-to-face with her, the woman who has haunted me for the last six months. As my past and present collide, not believing could cause me to lose her, and the future written in the stars for us.


A Beautiful Mess (Messy Series Book 2) by Tiye

Eight years ago, Darren Brown’s best friend turned lover walked out of her life. Now, Olympic track star Grey Jameson is recently engaged and back in her world. Darren finds herself irresistibly drawn again to Grey despite being married with children to NFL star Carter St. Patrick, who picked up the pieces of her shattered heart and has been by her side.

Grey’s unexpected appearance reawakens feelings Darren thought long buried when he left her to pursue his dreams back in college. As she fights the gravitational pull of desire for Grey, who confesses that he still wants to be with her, past decisions haunt Darren’s marriage, and damaging secrets are revealed.

Soon, Darren’s trust in Carter fades, and she’s torn between her loyalty to her husband and the man who has always owned a piece of her heart. And even if she decides to leave her failing marriage for Grey, will Grey forgive her for keeping the biggest secret, the daughter he never knew about?

**This book does contain adultery and a secret child. It has been slightly revised and edited from Kindle Vella. This story is a part of a duet but can be read as a standalone.**


Resurrecting Fate: A Billionaire Romance by Talena Tillman

While vacationing in Bora Bora, two familiar faces unexpectedly cross paths after years of separation. Andre and Hennessy’s chance encounter reignites a connection that had long been dormant, stirring both familiar and newfound emotions. As they navigate their reunion against the backdrop of paradise, their feelings for each other grow stronger in unexpected ways. Will this serendipitous meeting lead to a deeper bond, or will another obstacle resurface, challenging their newfound connection?


Game of Two Halves by Unoma Nwankwor

In the electrifying world of professional football, their lives intersect in an unexpected way.

Nonso Chijuka, a gifted but troubled midfielder, fresh off a several month long ban from football travels to Viva City, London determined to redeem himself both on and off the field. However, the reception he receives is mixed as he navigates through the highs and lows of fame while also fighting his personal demons. Just when his redemption is within reach, Nonso finds himself drawn back into a web of scandal and danger, putting everything he has worked for at risk.
Yinka Martins, a strong-willed, intelligent, and successful financial advisor on the cusp of becoming partner at Apex Financial, finds herself drawn to the charming footballer who has the potential to disrupt her carefully constructed life.

As their relationship grows, Nonso struggles to find a balance between starting anew and severing ties from his past, while Yinka is torn between staying in her comfort zone or taking a leap of faith. When they discover that life, like football, is a game of two halves, will they be able to blend their worlds and build a future together, or will their differences tear them apart?
Game of Two Halves is a gripping story of love, forgiveness, and redemption that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final whistle blows.


Sweet Honesty by Joan Vassar

Atlanta, Georgia, 1950–Michael can’t believe his eyes as he watches the man he loves marry a woman from the back row of Mount Zion Baptist Church. When the beautiful couple is pronounced man and wife, he leaves his home in Georgia for the chance of a better life in New York City.

Alexander is just trying to exist in Queens, New York. Although his family is aware of his unnatural attraction to men, they adore him. The price of hiding his true identity from the rest of the world leads to a deep and painful loneliness for Alex, even in the bosom of a loving family.

When Michael’s life collides with Alexander’s world, both men are afraid to trust. Sweet Honesty is an African American M/M romance that provides a glimpse of black love from a different lens and time.


Stealing the Sun by Nicole Whitfield

“I’ve never sat on the sun or dipped my toe into a galaxy, but this has to be close…”

What does your perfect day look like? For thirty-year-old Clarissa Camp, it looks a lot like a lavender lace cover book as thick as an encyclopedia. Littered with all her favorite things to highlight her perfect day. Bridesmaids dress, groomsmen, floral arrangements, and finally, her fiancé Tyree Williams. On a quest to finalize the perfect menu everything is going as planned.

You know the saying about a plan? “The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected…”




– the action or offense of taking another person’s property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it; theft.

You know the saying about a plan? “The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected…”


… And a Day: A Friends to Lovers Novella by Jaimsss P.

If you’ve found your soulmate, the only other thing you need is the right timing.

In Rhys Pierce’s case, time wasn’t on his side. In an effort to protect his family, Rhys made a decision that would take a year from his life. He was due to turn himself into Chaney State Penitentiary in just a week and a day. Rhys had made peace with his fate, but when Dream Baldwin walked back into his life, possibilities of what could be consumed him. She consumed him.

The years they spent apart had been kind to Dream, and he had evolved into precisely the woman Rhys knew he needed, but… who was he to ask her to wait for him? Would she even want to?

Dream was in grind mode. After putting her trust and finances in the wrong man’s hands, she was left with almost nothing. She still had her family. She still had home, and moving back in with her parents to start over sounded better than settling for half a man. Vowing to focus only on herself and business, Dream had tunnel vision… until she saw him. It had been six years since they shared space, but he was still the man her heart wanted. Refusing to believe it was just a coincidence, Dream made her feelings clear without hesitation. She felt like this was the love she had waited a lifetime for, but would forces outside their control leave her disappointed? Only time would tell.


Only by Fate by Thai

Valencia, a pragmatic woman hardened by past heartbreaks, is determined to steer clear of romance unless it comes with divine confirmation. Her skepticism toward love at first sight is rooted in the pain of two failed relationships, leaving her guarded and hesitant to trust again. She firmly believes that only a sign from God accompanied by undeniable reassurances could persuade her to open her heart once more.

On the other hand, Daire, a man with his own history of tumultuous romances, shares Valencia’s wariness toward love. Having endured the agony of heartbreak firsthand, he has resolved to avoid entanglements of the heart at all cost. However, when he encounters Valencia, something inexplicable stirs within him. Drawn to her in a way he can’t quite comprehend, Daire finds himself captivated by her presence.

As their budding romance blossoms, they must confront the shadows of their pasts that threaten to sabotage their happiness. Will Valencia and Daire allow their previous heartaches to dictate their future, or will they find the courage to embrace love and all its uncertainties? In a journey filled with unexpected twists and emotional revelations, they must decide whether to let go of their fears and embrace the possibility of a love that defies all expectations.


Say What You Mean : The Cambridge Crew (Graceland Heights) by Connie Easton

Desmond Cambridge sits as the co-head of The Jungle, and he is not the one to fumble your chances with. As a man that knows all about a hustle, he expects his to be respected. Being the one to always keep a smile on his face, no one knew what he was going through internally. Well, that is until Xayoni became the only one he could rely on.

Xayoni James knew the definition of sacrifice all too well. Entering society again from doing twelve long years, she realizes the world she left had changed drastically. The only thing she knew was to chase a dollar and that’s exactly what she did. However, the person she loved most never left her thoughts.

The game between cat and mouse somehow became a loving distraction they both needed.


Shades of Love: From Blue to Forever by Bree Wright

In a swirl of neon lights and pulsing music, Zina and Terrance’s worlds collided at a club. A chance encounter led to a night of electric connection, their souls entwined as they danced under the club lights. He dubbed her ‘Blue’ for her striking blue dress and matching wig, and their chemistry ignited a passion that left an indelible mark.

Fate plays a hand, reuniting Zina and Terrance within the gleaming walls of Terrance’s tech empire. Old feelings rekindle, but so do unanswered questions and lingering hurt. When the truth surfaces, Terrance demands to be a father to their son, setting in motion a complex journey of rediscovery and reconciliation.

As they navigate the challenges of co-parenting, the spark between Zina and Terrance reignites into a blazing inferno of love. Can they rewrite their story and forge a future where love, family, and a shared past come together in a beautiful, unexpected harmony? Shades of Love is a story of second chances, forgiveness, and the redemptive power of love.


I Accidentally Summoned a Demon Boyfriend by Jessica Cage

Open a book. Read a spell. Whoop, there he is… a demon.

The last single friend in her group and tired of being stood up by her girls, a drunken Rayna turns to her first love, a book. After jokingly casting a spell her favorite character used to conjure a loving boyfriend, the results aren’t nearly as funny.

Because the damn spell worked, just not in the way she thought it would!

Now she has a brooding demon who she needs to sever the magical bond with if she ever wants to live a normal life again.

Lovers of monster romance will enjoy this new book from USA Today Bestselling Author, Jessica Cage!


The Book At The Bar by Kirahvi Bello

Will These Book Lovers Fall in Love or Will Their Story End in Tragedy?

Gemini Collins enjoys her Friday bar-reading sessions after her stressful day at Helping Human Helpers inc. She even get’s to the bar early just to avoid the crowds. She has sworn off men and enjoys her book boyfriends.

Calvin Grant is a bookworm that works his dream job, owning his neighborhood library. He prefers to read dialogue, than engage in real life conversations. After being persuaded to a solo night out, he sees someone that knocks him off his axis.


Grace and a Pinch of Faith: A Christian Romance Novel (This Far By Grace Book 3) by Taretha Jones

Brains, beauty, and faith. Forty-four-year-old Angelique Avery has all three. She also has two siblings — two younger sisters — who’ve been married for years, leaving Angelique the last woman standing. Angelique wants a soulmate, too, but her Mr. Right has been quite elusive. With menopause feeling like it’s right around the corner, Angelique has all but given up on ever having a husband and children of her own. When a handsome, charming, and very saved technology executive offers her an exciting job opportunity — all on a silver platter — Angelique ends up doing what she always does in such situations: She turns to God, asking Him if she should give the job offer a yay or nay. But the God that Angelique serves answers prayers in areas other than just jobs and finances. With God’s grace and a pinch of Angelique’s faith, her happy-ever-after might be right on the horizon, just waiting for her to claim it!


Her Private Security Detail: A Thrilling Bodyguard Romance (The Touré Security Group Book 2) by Patricia Sargeant

Danger forces an innocent woman to hire some very personal security in award-winning author Patricia Sargeant’s latest novel of heart stopping suspense!

Philanthropist Symone Bishop is the most desirable woman Jeremiah Touré has ever met. She’s also way out of his league, and he can’t get involved with his client. Jerry knows how to protect Symone from the external threats menacing her nonprofit and her life. Can he save her from the devastating secrets the Touré Security Group uncovers? He knows he has to stay close to keep her from harm, but is he in danger of getting too close? 


A Little Bit of Love by Synithia Williams

Their first meeting changed her life

Their second one changes everything

Sheri “Li’l  Bit” Thomas will do anything to help revitalize the community she loves—even work with Lieutenant Deandre King, the cop who once arrested her after a stupid breakup stunt. Opening her new restaurant is a great first step. Partnering with the handsome widowed dad on an outreach event for at-risk youth and businesses is an even better one. But neither counts on the attraction simmering between them—or the potential problems with Deandre’s teen son. Is Sheri’s past a bad example for him, indicative of drama to come? Or is she the mom—and wife—they never knew they needed? 

Includes a bonus story, About Last Night!


Taming a Heartbreaker: A Spicy Black Romance Novel by Brenda Jackson

New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson delivers a steamy opposites-attract story about a playboy CEO determined never to settle down and a hopeless romantic who knows it just takes the right person to reform a rake.

He’s closed off to love. She’s set on taming his wild ways. Let the sparks fly! 

Redford St. James is having too much fun to settle down with just one woman. Until a Westmoreland family wedding reunites him with Carmen Golan. He can’t get Carmen—gorgeous, sweet and a hopeless romantic—out of his mind. Even though she’s outright said he’s husband material! Him! And she believes any heartbreaker can be tamed—by the right person. Well, it’s his duty to set her straight!

But an intimate conversation becomes an intimate evening and a night that makes them wonder who’s taming whom. And that night could have consequences in nine short months…

Includes a free bonus story, Husband Material.


If there are any new releases that we missed, please feel free to send them our way and we will share them ASAP.

New Release Round-Up May 20th-26th

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