I knew I had to have her when I saw her at that art show in Autumn Hills. I knew she was one of one when her lips parted to speak and introduce herself. I would stop at nothing to gain her focus on me and me only.
Her face.
Her hair.
Her voice.
Her body.
Love was the furthest thing from my mind until the boys’ father made it known every week how much he missed us and missed me. We were history and there would never be another us. I was focused on opening my second business and growing mentally, and financially. My mind was trained to never be complacent, I was a goal getter and I was determined to not let any distractions get inny way unless it was a healthy one that benefitted me, my boys, or my businesses.
After a grand gesture and a planned “chance” encounter, Kendrix purposely spins Kapri into his web of endless love and adoration for her, and Kapri can’t help but be knocked off her toes. It could be all good if the past weren’t standing in their way.