As the always obedient child of her town’s most affluent family, she craved excitement and spontaneity. A happenstance encounter lands her on the verge of a fate she hadn’t wished for sending her back into the folds of her parents’ protocols and schedules. In an attempt to reclaim the life that so many tried to delegate, she flees for the Big Apple the second the ink dried on her diploma. Well aware of what happens when you stray too far from your daily routine, she keeps her schedule as tight as her leotard. But the uncertainty that follows graduating from college causes her to go off-script, she finds herself stuck between love and a hard place.
As the oldest of two children, he knows all about being a team player. After circumstances beyond his control draw a wedge in between him and his parents, he heads for New York City hoping to find a new sense of self. Quickly, he falls into the same role as a team player but desperately wants to be the leading man. Dedication and raw talent eventually land him in front of the best, including her. His post-graduation plans rule every decision he made until her pirouettes landed her smack-dab in the middle of them.
After pinpointing exactly where life would take them, both are now dancing in circles. They soon realize their childhood dreams, never left much room for living or loving. The race is on and they must decide to keep dreaming or get up and make life happen for themselves. Ready. Set. Live.