Hey Girl!

Check out these new Black Romance releases from June 3rd-9th.

Take Me: An Urban Erotic Romance by Monica Walters

Having God’s grace and mercy is a blessing to those who receive it, but to embody it is a miracle.

Mercy Grace Speaks has her life all figured out. She has obtained a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, along with a teaching certification, and is pursuing a master’s degree in marketing and graphic design. Whether she chooses to teach it or start her own business, she knows she will be successful simply because of her strong desire to be so. Being sheltered from the wilds of the world, has helped her stay focused on her aspirations.

However, an encounter with the wrong man ruins it all. She finds herself doing things simply to please him while her life spirals out of her control, her naivety speaking loudly. While knowing right from wrong and what she should be doing, it’s like something has a hold on her. She voluntarily participates in activities that go against her morals and sucks the drive for success right out of her. She sinks to depths she’s never known, and while at the mouth of hell, she sees and meets a possible way out.

Hunter Bell, better known as Vick, has had to get it out the mud. At the age of fourteen, he was forced to become the man of the house when his father was robbed and gunned down. Being that his father was the sole provider, it leaves him and his mother destitute, not knowing where their next meal would come from. Hunter makes a way, the only way he knows how, to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

After years of hustling, he obtains a business degree and opens a private club. While it’s financially beneficial to him, he knows he will have to let it go eventually, just like he’s trying to escape the streets. Before that time comes, he sees a woman that could make his desire to go a different route even stronger. She belongs to someone else, but in his heart, he knows she’s giving her all to the wrong man.

Hunter and Mercy meet under unusual circumstances, but the chemistry between them is palpable. No matter how toxic the situation she’s in, Mercy is loyal to the death of her and is unable to go against the situation in place. Hunter wants to shake her and make her see that she’s allowing someone else to destroy one of God’s beautiful blessings, and just because she houses grace and mercy doesn’t mean everyone should benefit from it.

Can he convince her that with him is where she should be, or will she continue down the path of destruction until she hits rock bottom all in the name of loyalty and devotion?


Surrender: The Arranged Hearts Series by Kimberly Brown

Kachelle Lewis is tired of waiting for love. As a successful Pediatric Orthodontist, she has everything else going for herself, but the one thing she desires most seems to be just out of reach. Coming home to an empty home has gotten old, and Kachelle longs for companionship. After dating every wrong man, she’s decided to put the fate of her love into the hands of Arranged Hearts, a professional matchmaking service, but there is a catch. While she’ll be paired with what she hopes is the man of her dreams, she will know nothing about him until she meets him at the alter.

Jacob Mitchell lives a very comfortable lifestyle. As a highly successful author and illustrator of children’s books, he’s traveled the world and found happiness in material things. For Jacob, all the money in the world can’t buy him the one thing he desires most, the love of a good woman. Tired of the shallow side of the dating pool, Jacob is ready to jump into the deep end. When he enlists the help of Arranged Hearts, he isn’t sure what he’s getting himself into, but he’s hopeful that it will lead to him finding the love of his life.

Armed with hope in their hearts, Kachelle and Jacob meet at the alter. Their attraction is immediate, but is it enough with marrying a complete stranger? If their pairing is a success, they could live a long and happy life. If it isn’t, both could be heartbroken. Will the arranged hearts commit to forever or will “I do” turn into “I Don’t”?


Devon (The Edwards Brothers Book 1) by Dria Andersen

Devon was finally free. Ten years behind bars and his first order of business was to get out of the game, for good. Finding his mate on his first full night out was fate’s gift to him and he refused to let her slip through his fingers. But, sometimes, despite all good intention, trouble found a way…

Keisha Calhoun worked hard and kept her head down. Daughter of a well-known street hustler, she promised herself she would never live that lifestyle. Fate was funny that way though, because out of her past walked a man who represented everything she fought to leave behind. 

Devon’s irreverent charm combined with his wolf’s dominance made him a difficult man for Keisha to resist. But secrets from their shared past threatened the future they wanted to build together.


Continuous by Kennedy B.

What if one day everything fell into place? What if one day that toxic love didn’t exist, and instead of stop and go, it was continuous? DaVinci is a fighter, fighting for more than just a title, but to stay out of the shadows of a family he didn’t choose. Fighting was all he had, until he encountered a woman just as driven and unfulfilled.

Aria has never believed in happily ever afters or that mushy love that turned people into whole different folks. Instead she was grounded, photographing by day and cuddling up with her bulldog by night. Surely that isn’t a life, but it and her on and off again fling with an ex seems to be enough. That is, until the fighter finds himself jabbing into her life.

Neither of them expected to form a connection, but they did. One forward thought began a continuous affair, one that seems almost too good to be true, especially in the media’s eyes. Caught in the web of fate, Aria and DaVinci find themselves on a whirlwind adventure, not looking for anything they find in one another. Can what’s found by mistake remain? Or will it fall, flimsy as the two find themselves charting unfamiliar waters?


The Hood Flower Girl: A Novella by M. Monique

When crushes fall…

Since Poppi “Hood” Bloom was a kid, her love for flowers has been deep. She is devoted to her craft of making beautiful arrangements for whatever occasion her clients may desire. When a beloved teacher passes, Poppi makes it her business to show her respects to the person who helped shape her childhood. An encounter with the teacher’s grandson leaves a lasting impression on Poppi that refuses to let her go.

When Memphis “Mems” McCorvey dedicated himself to making his grandmother proud, he never imagined leaving the streets would lead him to a life so much more fulfilling. He has everything he never knew he wanted…

Except Hood.

Will a vacation out of the city help them discover the crush they have harbored for each other is real and not a figment of their imagination? Or will trouble in the form of exes prevent them from having the picture-perfect ending?


When We Were Us (Love in Lake Lure Book 1) by Tina Martin

Lavender Young left New York after being fired from Lush Magazine. She returns to the only home she knows – Lake Lure, North Carolina – under false pretenses. No one can know she didn’t make it big in the city, so she pretends she’s on assignment, photographing her hometown and writing an article about it. To keep up the façade, she gets money from her savings to hire a tour guide to update her on what’s new in the area. She never imagined that guide would be her ex, Jaysen Adams.

Jaysen always wondered why Lavender left him a year ago without any explanation. Will he push his anger aside to finally get the answers he so desperately needs?


Finding My Bodyguard by A. Blossom

Claim my heart and protect me like a bodyguard.

Protection. Monroe Iris has lived her entire life seeking it. She longs to have a safe space to fall in love—to be vulnerable. She’s surrounded by things and people that were put in place to fill her with security but has none. Her entire life has been molded around being the perfect wife for an imperfect man. She’s stuck following a family tradition that doesn’t mean her well, without anyone in her corner to save her. 

Tradition. Dr. Royale London doesn’t do things for the sake of tradition. After choosing to walk away from his birthright as Capo of his family’s cartel, he dedicated his life to opening new doors and creating his own legacy. When Monroe shows up in his office seeking his services, he knows instantly that she needs more than what she initially came for. 

For the first time in her life, Monroe is provided the protection she’s always wanted, but her duty to her family refuses to let her go. Will Dr. London be able to protect Monroe and help her carve out a new family legacy of her own, or will Monroe find that finding a bodyguard isn’t enough to save her?


Forever Beautiful by Suzette Harrison

Floretta Coleman is young, determined, and gifted. A graduate of Madame C.J. Walker’s esteemed beauty school, Floretta is on the brink of a bright future with plans to explore the world after completing her studies at Oberlin College. Her long-held dreams seem within reach until one telephone call shatters everything. Her mother, Iva Rae Coleman, has died unexpectedly. Devastated, Floretta returns to the small, all-Black town founded by enslaved ancestors to lay her mother to rest and is forced to navigate the complexities of loss and family obligation. Her younger brothers need her. So does her homeless great Aunt Sis, whose misfortune was caused by a family accident. She must grapple with these responsibilities as well as her parents’ unconventional relationship while being drawn to Packer Sims, a captivating horse rancher and Seminole Indian. Told against the rich tapestry of 1949 in the southern U.S., Floretta’s story is one of identity, self-discovery, and acceptance. Join her journey as Floretta forges a path that is forever beautiful and uniquely her own.


Wandering Beauty (Generations Book 2) by Suzette Riddick

Jillian Hart has reached her breaking point. Every moment of her day is seemingly consumed catering to her family’s needs and wants as a wife and mother of two. Her only source of solace is the day spa, where she works as a part-time esthetician. Even that is at risk of being taken away by Ivan Hart, Jillian’s demanding husband, and his unrealistic expectations.

When her husband does the unthinkable, Jillian flees with her children to Colemanville, North Carolina to the home of her maternal grandmother, Nana Flo. At her lowest, Jillian must reassess her life and confront the choices that have derailed her dream of owning a day spa specializing in esthetician services. 

In Colemanville with Nana Flo’s help, Jillian discovers she and her great-grandmother, Iva Rae Coleman, are kindred spirits after learning intimate details about Iva’s life. With this revelation, she accepts that the crumbling of her marriage was unavoidable to propel her toward her destiny to carry on the Coleman family legacy. 

Join the journey of this wandering beauty to see if family secrets, scandals, and her husband’s determination to reconcile will hinder Jillian from fulfilling her destiny.


Frenemies to Lovers (Peachtree Cove) by Synithia Williams

The trouble with bad boys is that they’re so unforgettable…

Andre Kemp. Just hearing the name makes Tamara Bradford want to roll her eyes. Popular, gorgeous and arrogant…and every girl in high school wanted to date him. And while Tamara can’t deny how attractive he was then—and is now—she has no time for schoolgirl crushes. Charged with revitalizing downtown Peachtree Cove, Tamara has a full plate, and that includes managing a contractor to lead the town’s efforts. So when Andre walks in the door for the project meeting, she can’t control her surprise.

When Andre left Peachtree Cove, he swore he’d never move back. Too many bad memories. But when his mom needed his help, there was nowhere else he’d rather be. Still, seeing Tamara again blows his mind. She may have been a Goody Two-shoes back in school, but he never could forget those luminous brown eyes and kissable lips. Getting involved with her isn’t smart…for so many reasons. But he can’t seem to get her off his mind. And the more time they spend working together, the harder it is to let her go.


Coming Home by Monica Cox

When she is denied tenure and discovers an unexpected pregnancy by her abusive husband, chemistry professor Dr. Ressa Hooks returns to her small Alabama hometown, where she isn’t just running from her past but is also fighting to rebuild her life and protect her future. 

Her fresh start brings her into the orbit of her new boss and the city’s most eligible bachelor, Dr. Tuscan Sims, a straitlaced Army medic turned principal. Tuscan, initially intrigued by Ressa’s vibrant independence, finds her inquisitive, free-thinking nature both captivating and challenging. This often stirs conflict as it clashes with his preference for routine and structure, which have consistently produced high-quality results at his school. This tension, however, also fosters a deep-seated respect and attraction as he senses a kindred spirit battling similar scars. His past, marked by heartache, soon makes him empathetic to Ressa’s plight and protective of her fragile world. 

With Ressa’s job in jeopardy due to the school’s conservative stance against unwed mothers, Tuscan proposes a bold solution that aligns with his desires—a marriage of convenience. This arrangement promises to shield Ressa from societal scorn while fulfilling Tuscan’s long-held dreams of fatherhood. As these two forty-something-year-old divorcees navigate the terms of their sudden partnership and undeniable attraction, they embark on a journey of healing and discovery. 

Can their marriage, forged from necessity and shared pain, bloom into a profound and lasting love? Or will the lingering shadows of their pasts shatter their fragile hope for happiness in a close-knit hometown where gossip and scrutiny lurk at every corner?


Love, Music & Contracts by Asar

What would you do to rise again after falling from grace? For the notorious R&B Queen, Ameena Hubbard, that’s the million-dollar question. When the higher ups at her record label offer her a final chance to revive her career from the ashes, Ameena has no choice but to take it. She didn’t expect to fall in love, though…

Heartthrob and one third of R&B trio Divine Forces, Saadiq Cooper is a musical prodigy. Everything he produces turns to gold, making him the perfect person to pair with Ameena. Working with Ameena, the two’s attraction is almost immediate, much to the delight of fans and record executives.

However, the lives of the rich and famous are never truly what the public sees. What happens when many ulterior motives begin to run amuck? A wild mix of music, money, contracts, plotting, scheming, and love takes two souls on a journey and when it ends, nothing will be the same…


Omit by Stasi

Darrin belongs to the upper echelon in society. He is a wealthy, powerful, handsome and
successful attorney who lives life to its fullest. After years of living on the wild side, he didn’t
know if he’d ever meet someone that could take him out of the fast lane, until he meets Melanie
Melanie is a sweet and somewhat reserved woman who goes to work, keeps her head
down and stays out of the way. Despite her being a beautiful woman that attracts attention, the
family trauma that she carries around with her causes her to stay under the radar. One chance
meeting brings the two together, and they become head over heels in love.
The steadfast couple elopes in a short amount of time after meeting, and that’s when all
hell breaks loose. Skeletons from both of their past come back to haunt them, causing the
newlyweds to go through turmoil in their relationship, as some things can be hurtful when they
are kept in secret. Will the two work through their issues of trust, honesty and respect? Find out
what happens when you omit to the one you love.


She’s Not a Star: Somebody Lied by Mel Dau

What do you do when life throws you lemons, but you hate lemonade?

For Assante Bowen, that was exactly how bittersweet his life was proving itself to be. The betrayal of loved ones was the cut in his skin. The consequences of said betrayal was the lemon juice dripped into that cut. After years of solitude, will it make him a better man ready to be received and most importantly forgiving? They say when God wants to teach you forgiveness, He puts you in situations that might just require you to forgive.

Majestic Starr Callahan’s name is definitely not a reflection of the life she’s lived. The aura of her name did not match the dimness that had fallen over her life. Once she decides to do something about it, it leads her down a road to a cabin. In this cabin, will she find everything she needs and wants, or will a sudden uninvited guest be termite to the already rotting wood that is her life?

All her life, Majestic has been told that she’s not a star. Will Assante be the man to prove to her that somebody lied? Let’s find out.


Lessons Learned by E. Nigma

Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of romance and laughter in “Lessons Learned,” a romantic comedy that defies expectations. Meet Asante, a single man at the end of his dating rope, who decides to take a wild leap into a clandestine prostitution program catering exclusively to married individuals. But amidst the chaos of his undercover escapades, Asante finds himself falling head over heels for none other than the program’s head honcho, Shayera.

As their whirlwind romance unfolds, guilt nags at Asante’s conscience, knowing he’s woven a web of lies to win Shayera’s heart. And just when things couldn’t get any more complicated, Shayera’s meddling friends catch wind of their budding feelings and unleash a campaign to thwart their blossoming romance.

Join Asante and Shayera on an unconventional journey as they navigate the ups and downs of forbidden love in “Lessons Learned.” This romantic comedy reminds us that sometimes the best lessons in love come from the most unexpected places.


Restored (Pressure Book 2) by Rosè Dior

Re.store.d: return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position

If love has never been familiar to you, how would you recognize when a true one is trying to be?

Kera has never known love to bring anything but broken promises and empty lies. The wall she’s built around herself has kept her safe, guarded, and untouchable. That is until Stefan Coleman chips away at her until she barely recognizes her own reflection. The saying ‘it takes a fool to learn that love don’t love nobody’ plays in her mind like broken records, similar to the shattered pieces of her heart that beats off rhythm. 

Kamil is fresh out of his GMT contract and ready to step out of the shadows to claim the queen he’s deemed worthy of sitting on his throne. He sees the pain and is on a quest to restore the love he knows can reside but has been denied and abused in Kera. Will the pressure he applies create a diamond that shines like he believes her to be? Or will it bust the pipes lining her already fragile heart?


Rebuilding Love by Drea Delgado

After escaping an abusive marriage, Tasha Williams relocates to Chicago with her two young sons, Jayden and Malik. Determined to rebuild her life, she moves into a modest house in a vibrant neighborhood, ready to focus solely on her children and career. With no intention of ever opening her heart again, Tasha’s past has left her wary of men and love. When the house needs unexpected repairs, Tasha reluctantly agrees to a recommendation from a co-worker and calls in Jaxon Miller, a charismatic local contractor. From the moment Jaxon arrives for the estimate, there is an undeniable attraction, but Tasha is adamant about keeping her distance. Despite her frosty demeanor, Jaxon is captivated by Tasha’s resilience and begins a gentle pursuit, finding reasons to be around and offering his help whenever needed.

As Jaxon works on the house, he forms a bond with Jayden and Malik, showing a nurturing side that softens Tasha’s heart. Over time, she begins to see Jaxon not just as a skilled contractor but as a compassionate man with a past of his own. Tasha’s co-worker and new friend, Aisha, encourages her to give Jaxon a chance, but Tasha is conflicted, haunted by the trauma of her previous relationship. Their connection deepens as Jaxon invites Tasha and her boys to a family barbecue, where she witnesses the warmth of his close-knit family. However, just as Tasha begins to entertain the possibility of a future with Jaxon, her ex-husband reappears, stirring fear and chaos in her carefully rebuilt life.

In a dramatic turn, Jaxon steps in to protect Tasha and her boys, proving his unwavering commitment. Faced with the choice between retreating into her shell or embracing the potential for happiness, Tasha must confront her fears and decide if she can open her heart once more.

Rebuilding Love is a poignant tale of healing and hope, where a woman scarred by her past learns to trust again and discovers that love can be rebuilt stronger than ever. In the backdrop of the Windy City, Tasha and Jaxon navigate the challenges of blending their lives, forging a path toward a future filled with love and promise.


Legacy Vows: A Marriage of Convenience by S. Cassadera

Will love blossom between these two as they contemplate a convenient marriage proposal? 

Tahj Smith, a real estate investor with a lineage steeped in tradition, faces an ultimatum: inherit his Promised Land—or lose it forever. His deadline? The ticking clock of his thirty-fifth birthday is mere months away.

Enter Breema Winters, a spirited soul, unafraid to tread her path. She’s no stranger to heartache, having learned early on that men bring more trouble than comfort. Her goal? A stable income, a life free from reliance on anyone else.

When their paths cross, it’s not love at first sight. Instead, it’s a proposal—a marriage of convenience. Tahjneeds a wife to secure his birthright, and Breema needs financial stability. It’s a transaction, nothing more.

As Tahj and Breema navigate the intricacies of their contractual union, sparks ignite. Shared laughter, stolen glances, and whispered secrets blur the lines between obligation and desire.


Aerie (Fairview Haven Book 1) by Wynter Carrington/Shanel Wynters

She’s the one.

I’ve loved her since the second grade.

She doesn’t understand the power she holds.

She doesn’t understand the mountains I would move to protect her heart. She doesn’t know the promises I made to him at the age of eight. I kept my promise and watched her. I waited for her.

He’s loved me for a lifetime.

He’s watched me build a life without him.

He marked his claim on the vessel that I carried in my chamber.

He was the savior of the good.

He brought so much love into my life. I would bring him the ocean if he needed to. He doesn’t understand the calm he brings in this fucked up world. He doesn’t know he was sent to me, for me.

He’s been a part of my world and endured the toughest battles. Because of him my vessel still beats.


Pardon My Frenchie by Farrah Rochon

Ashanti Wright is thrilled over the success of her doggie daycare, Barkingham Palace. But handling the business and taking care of her teen twin sisters is a lot. And now that the antics of her adorable French bulldog and poodle bestie are blowing up on social media, things are even more chaotic than usual. And they only get worse when the world’s worst dog hater shows up.

Thad Sims is not a dog person. He’s barely a person’s person. But after his grandmother is transferred to a senior living facility that doesn’t accept pets, the former army officer agrees to care for her annoying standard poodle, and his first move is taking Puddin’ out of daycare.

Now Ashanti’s beloved Duchess is bereft of her companion, social media is outraged, and Ashanti’s business is hanging in the balance. Her only option is to make nice with the surly, sexy Thad at all costs. But it’s gonna take a tiara-wearing Frenchie, a well-dressed poodle, and a whole lotta treats to teach these humans a few new tricks about falling in love.


If there are any new releases that we missed, please feel free to send them our way and we will share them ASAP.

New Release Round-Up June 3rd-9th

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