Follow the captivating tale of Ledisi Darden, a determined project manager who finds herself both hesitant and intrigued when her friend arranges a blind date. Little does she know, this unexpected encounter will lead her back to the very person who shattered her heart in the past.

Adalis Thomas, now a prominent figure in real estate development and the streets, is equally taken aback by this unforeseen reunion. Despite the awkwardness, they decide to embrace the moment and spend an evening filled with laughter, reminiscing, and a glimmer of hope.

As fate intricately weaves its threads, love rekindles between Ledisi and Adalis, pulling them into a passionate whirlwind. However, their renewed romance is far from a fairytale. Adalis’s ties to the criminal underworld and complicated relationships threaten to dismantle the very love they’re trying to rebuild.

Amid a storm of challenges, Ledisi and Adalis fight with an unwavering determination to forge a path to happiness together. But as they soon learn, sometimes love alone is not enough. Can they conquer their inner demons, leave the past behind, and build a future where love triumphs over all?


New Release Spotlight – The Devious Date, by C. Monet

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