Regina & Damien Campbell are enjoying lives as newlyweds. Not only are they soaring in their careers, but they have just purchased a brand new home. Nothing could stop them from living blissfully…. that was until Damien’s parents unexpectedly moved into their home.
Regina and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell haven’t always had the best relationship, considering the two feel Regina and Damien married too young, and Regina feels they are still babying Damien, which causes a rift between her marriage to Damien. When the two begin to treat Regina & Damien’s house as their own, it sends Regina over the edge and quite possibly into someone she hasn’t encountered in years.
With the constant bickering over Damien’s parents, Regina & Damien’s marriage will be tested to see if their love will stand the issues they’re facing. But will they both realize them before it’s too late?