In the quaint Lowcountry town of Willow Bay, SC, Maya James lives a simple life, except for her otherworldly gift – the ability to hear and communicate with ancestral spirits through whispering shadows. Her gift, a testament of her connection to her rich Gullah lineage.
Maya’s simple world is turned upside down when dark secrets and deadly deceptions begin to emerge with the arrival of the handsome but cryptic stranger, Gabriel Sinclair. Despite the town’s distrust of outsiders, Maya finds herself uncontrollably drawn to Gabriel, seduced by his guarded charm.
When local residents begin to disappear one by one, rocking the close-knit community, Maya finds herself at the center of the turmoil. Soon she becomes a pawn in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, challenging her to master her unique gift and decipher the urgent whispers of the shadows before time runs out.
Maya’s only advantage is her connection to the mystical world beyond the living, if she dares to trust it. The Shadows of Willow Bay weaves a spellbinding tale of suspense, seduction, and supernatural intuition. Maya’s fight to expose the truth will haunt readers long after the final page.