A Tale of Two Cities: A Christmas Novella
The Tales of Two Cities this time featured Madison and Dallas. The story was too much fun and added a lot of treats to the Christmas season. The couple was the perfect match for this story. Dallas Bryant wasn’t looking for a relationship, and then he met Madison Walker, and all things changed. Some of the cute sayings were exceptionally endearing. She spoke about 32 hoodlum elves and other fun sayings. It is always nice to see Alexis, Jaden or Zalayah and Gabriel. The quick read had some sexy moments and some laugh out loud times as well. The New Year will bring more goodies, and I’ll wait with bated breath. 5 Stars.




A Tale of Two Cities: A New Year Novella
The last story and the beginning of the year brought another great story. A perfect holiday finale and a precise start for the new year. Cheyenne and Boston brought in the year with a lot of zest and vigor. The perfect union this time dealt with an Eastern shores’ city namesake and a far west prairie planes location. The two people were very different, yet they fit like a new glove. When Cheyenne planned to visit her boo, the visit turned into a neat fiasco when her man shows himself as a cheating dog. Ladies stop trying to surprise your man because it always backfires! Stop it right now. If you are lucky, a good guy like Boston will be there to fill the other man’s shoes quite nicely. And maybe, in the end, the two will make a new connection that’s pure excellence. Cheyenne happened to get the best love connection in the end. 5 Stars.

Review – A Tale of Two Cities Holiday Novella Collection Book 3 &4, by Alexandra Warren

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