The second story in this series was just as incredible as 8 Seconds, the first story. Again, to read about a rodeo story was an unbelievable experience, and for the second time, I was flabbergasted. The first story was complicated, sexy and extremely appealing. Red and Shayna’s story revived my intrigue in this author’s ability to tell a great tale. I knew Red would be a force to be reckoned with when we met him in 8 seconds. He was funny, a dedicated friend, and a heck of a man.
The way the author used the spiritual aspects in the story was neatly intertwined without feeling preachy and out of place. Reciting scripture before each race was interesting. Inside of the story was a recurring theme with two Alpha men meeting their Beta counterpart. So, later, when Red decided he wanted Shayna, she was undoubtedly doomed to his desires to have her in his life. Shayna and Harper and Red and Legend were the dynamic duo times two. Since Harper and Shayna were good friends, it was easy to see Legend and Red in a relationship with the lady friends.
Harper and Legend’s sexy antics made me laugh out loud most of the time. That man wanted Harper any and everywhere. The same could be said for Red and Shayna as they got it in every chance and every place they could. With a huge smile and delight, I’ve learned more about rodeos with these two books than one could imagine. Reading about the events was almost as exciting as hearing when Red or Legend won their events. I was taken aback with the facts with Shayna’s parents were part of the back story, and wow, this surely added more drama. Overall, this was a super sexy and superb story. The author is coming into her own and is attached to my list of authors to read with each new rendering. 4.8 Stars.