The story started with a character named Maze running for his life, and subsequently losing his life. Maze was Destiny’s man and a member of a biker gang who sold illegal arms. Firstly, the opening was a great way to get me excited about a new story. I don’t know much about biker clubs, but this story was interesting.
After Maze died at the hands of an obviously known assailant, the biker club lost some parts of their business. Additionally, the night of his memorial, Destiny endured a disastrous event. Cage, the president of the organization, started to watch out for Destiny and ordered her to stay on their compound. In the process of dealing with the events of that evening, Cage and Destiny grew in their attraction for one another, and later they took the sexual attraction to the next level. As the story unfolded, Maze never claimed Destiny, and he continued to fool around with the whores who hung around the club. That part became apparent after Maze’s death investigation, and the shady stuff happening in the club exposed the culprits. As expected, many of the issues blamed on Destiny and the bikers leveled by the authorities was conjecture.
The story took on many different troubles, problems, deaths, and mayhem that kept the drama flowing at a rapid pace. The FBI was on the trail of the bikers, which escalated with the ongoing events in the story. It took a while for the pieces to unravel and spill over the pages in the story. I only had one problem with this story… the sex act demand after Destiny received unfortunate news was odd to me. In another observation, the way the bikers’ image revealed in the story, it did not portray them in a good light, even at the end of the story. Overall, the story took a while to tell, but it was enjoyable. 4.0 Stars.
*note: a free copy of this book was given by the author in exchange for an honest review.*
Thank you for the honest review. 💜💜💜
Love Defying Destiny!!!