Neil McClain’s story was the fourth story in the repertoire. His story was anticipated by the readers who’ve enjoyed and been intrigued by his persona in the previous novels. The author described Neil as the smartest brother, and his attitude initially had me wondering what the heck was wrong with him. The other side of Neil was always safely secluded in the other stories. I never totally understood his plight until the end of book three, at that point, I was ready for his story. When the story opened, Neil was facing his new normal. A sober, lightly conflicted Neal, with a bright future ahead of him, despite his efforts to ruin his life for many years. I was so happy when he had the opportunity to help someone, and he begrudgingly accepted the challenge. What was not anticipated was the level of compassion Neil would bring to the table.
Sage needed saving when her visa was expiring unless she found someone to help her in a pinch. Sage was Liberian and she would have to return to her country if all her plans failed. The McClain wives cajoled their husbands into talking Neil into being her savior. The fake romance became a real relationship, and love grew out of their shared anguish. It was a blessing and fateful that both lost souls would find solace in one another. Sage was meant to be with Neil, and Neil needed to feel wanted. It did not hurt that he had a superman in his pants to back up his words. The way the two got along was magical. The relationship developed nicely and had me wanting them to make a baby quickly. The astute man met a fiercely loving woman, and the match was perfect.
The drop-ins by Everette ‘Big South’, Leland, Nolan, and Uncle Lee Chester made the story humorous. Jo, Bridgette, and Kim added more drama and excitement as they showed women all over the world how much power their yoni, I mean their personality had over their men. I’m not sure what I was expecting in Neil’s story, but this story met the challenge full on and blew me away. The story was a page-turner. Neil took many hearts when we learned about his issues that led to his destructive lifestyle. It was a pleasure to have the chance to meet him and to watch him flourish. Sage was what he needed, and vice versa.
I look forward to seeing these hot men again and again — 5 fantastic stars.