Angie Daniels stories include sheer heat and a sexy vibe with each one she told. All I Want was another one for the books. The Beaumont Series has and always will be my favorite family in her repertoire of books. I was happy to get the chance to revisit one of my favorite couples, Jace Beaumont and his wife, Sheyna.
The way Ms. Daniels describes Jace as chocolate inside the chocolate, had my sweet tooth aching for a little nip. The problem with that might be having to contend with his overly possessive wife, Sheyna. Oh Well… A girl can dream. The novella began with Sheyna and Jace reminiscing about their life together. Twelve years of wedded bliss and they were still going strong Dagnabbit! Okay, I’ll stop hating. Maybe. The story was fantastic as it allowed readers a chance to remember many of the marriages, children born and the strong family bond between the brothers and their wives. The extended family included brothers and sister-in-law’s, grandparents, aunts and many more. One thing I guess I had forgotten about in all these years, was the feud between the patriarch men, Royce and Richard Beaumont. The story took me back a few years as this was the eleventh book in the series. So, let’s dig into the account.
All I Want was a romantic suspense thriller, with a touch of humor. Sheyna was attacked in the hotel parking garage by an unknown assailant; the villain chose to stalk and toy with her emotions during the ordeal. From the start, I thought it was someone who possibly worked for the hotel. I was slightly annoyed with the person it turned out to be. Annoyed by the fact that this person was on my list of suspects, but not prime suspect high on my list. We’ll deal with that a bit later. Ms. Daniels did a great job of spinning this story into a web of mystery well worth the read. The mystery romance genre is one of my all-time favorite tropes. The suspense was enough to keep the story fluid and the romantic side to make us all happy. In this story, the author focused a great deal on this family unit coming together in support of one another. I am pleased to report she also gave readers the steamy love scenes, as well as fun and games. The activities with the kids and parents competing against one another- always a treat. The competitive nature of the family members had me laughing out loud much of this story. When it was time to get serious, the author had no issues with bringing an element of suspense to the story, while the men jockeyed to be the principal ruler in their usual protective mode, thereby proclaiming the villain persona non-grata. Overall, this was an excellent revisit with the Beaumont clan and a chance to expand the story to the next level. Bravo Ms. Daniels, you are still on your game. I look forward to the next installment. 4.5 Stars.