The title alone caused enough interest to read the story to see what the story was about. I’ll be good to you is one of the overused lines men employ when they want to convince a woman they aren’t about foolishness. Can you count on one hand how many times this was not the truth? In my young adult days, yes, I could relate. That energy helped to draw a connection to the story, then it was time to see what the author was talking about. In this story, the author started with the reminder that it’s not always a bad thing to want a perfect love story. Yazlyn Miller wished just that, a fairytale love story like her parents had. Her drive and inspiration for everyone to have a happily ever after caused her to become a matchmaker. The most requested matchmaker was in fact, a single woman. When Yazlyn met Kaalan Walker, her young crush knew what he wanted. He wanted Yazlyn. Yazlyn was neither ready or prepared for the onslaught Kaalan unleashed to have her as his woman. He’d gone to Jamaica to reinvent himself, and he changed to be the best man for any woman he chose as his mate. Kaalan came back to his hometown a changed man. A full-fledged real man. And when he set his love plans in motion, Yazlyn was doomed from the minute Kaalan began his chase. The story was compelling and quite enjoyable. The spiritual parts of the story were enough to see their beliefs and their worldview, yet not too much to be considered preachy. I made a clear connection with both characters as the story was well told and worth 5 stars.