On a roll, that’s what’s happening with this author. She has dropped some lovely stories in the past few months and this reviewer is happier than a shopaholic in a shoe shop. I slipped up and fell into this fabulous story. Cheyenne and Travis’s story were nicely told. Travis was the right man for the role of Cheyenne’s love interest. Cheyenne was feisty and gave readers an image of a tiny female with a powerful persona. Her friend Taylor was equally as fun and exciting. A few times in the story Travis seemed too good to be real with his level of kindness. Cheyenne and Travis used to be bitter enemies until he moved away. Years later they were back in the same city, and he was determined to get the woman he’s wanted since he was a child. Once Travis and Cheyenne reunited, it was evident that they were meant to be together. The characters felt like friends from the neighborhood. The storyline was fluid and the chemistry between Cheyenne and Travis was palpable. The next Mason stories are greatly anticipated, and my expectations are through the roof. The story was worth 4.9 Stars.