New Release Spotlight – The Other Side of Fame: A Fake Dating Romance, by D. Rose

NOW AVAILABLE Since making his first appearance in the rap duo Fame & Fortune, Keyan “FAME” Martin consistently found himself under the scrutiny of celebrity gossip. His personal life was dissected for public consumption at every turn. Without feeling compelled to address rumors, Keyan navigated life with an unyielding confidence, shrouded in a steel armor. That was…


Cover Reveal – Excess Baggage (Flights + Feelings Book 1), by Nicole Falls

THERE’S A NEW RELEASE COMING JULY 8TH FROM NICOLE FALLS, AND WE HAVE THE COVER! Winifred “Freddie” Brown’s got an admirer. He’s handsome, charming, and persistent. The only problem? He’s eleven years her junior and she’s not trying to take anyone that close in age to her child seriously. Elijah Woolford, however, is undeterred. He’s…
