Book Spotlight – Couldn’t Ask For More (The Southern Gentleman Book 2), by Kianna Alexander

“That Sistah-Love”, by Kianna Alexander Hi! Thanks for having me. I’m so excited to talk about Couldn’t Ask For More! I may be a romance author, but I recognize love in all its forms. Human relationships drive so much of our life experience, and we can’t discount that fact. I seek to illustrate this in my…


New Release Spotlight – Gabriel’s Melody (Moore to Love Series Book 2), by Celeste Granger

 NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON Their first encounter seemed innocent enough. But fate had other plans. They met on the campus of Jackson State University. She was a freshman. He was an upper-classmen. They fell in love. He broke her heart. Their second encounter could not be so easily dismissed. This time it didn’t feel…


Review – Calling Malcolm Black: Introducing Jeremy Felipe, by Angelia Vernon Menchan

 Readers have met fine as wine and mature man Malcolm Black in several books over the past years. AVM readers familiar with Mr. Black will recall he is married to the delightful Cinnamon Black. Between the two characters, several other books spun-off from their original story. In this story, the author provided readers a…


Pre-Order Spotlight – Vigilant Love(McAllister Security Book 3), by Té Russ

NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER Newly appointed District Attorney Trisha Barnes is determined to win the biggest case of her career and nothing is going to stop her…not even her life being in danger. When Boomer Thompson steps up to protect her, Trisha quickly realizes that the man who once had her heart, just might still…
