New Release Spotlight – The Fiennes Family Thanksgiving Novelette Series, by Alexandra Warren, Nicole Falls, and Christina C. Jones

No, Thank You by Alexandra Warren With the season of giving on the horizon, now seems like a better time than ever for special requests. But just because one asks for something doesn’t mean they won’t also have to work for it.  BUY HERE Thank You, Next by Nicole Falls When the season of giving…


Cover Reveal – The Hidden Lake Series, by Shanicexlola, Asia Monique, and D. Rose

THERE’S A NEW SERIES COMING IN DECEMBER FROM SHANICEXLOLA, ASIA MONIQUE, and D. ROSE, AND WE HAVE THE COVERS! Visit their IG pages for more details at @__ayemonique, @authordrose, @shanicexlola! *Please note, while Hidden Lake is a real body of water located in the Glacier National Park in the state of Montana, it is not…
